Tiny Pallet House
Step 4: Add Windows and a Door
Once the walls are up get out the reciprocating saw and cut out spaces for the windows and door. Use new 2×4’s or some from dismantled pallets to frame rough openings for your windows and doors. It’s best to build the window and door bucks from your best and longest wood since most doors and windows require strait and plumb surfaces.
Once your window and door holes are cut, slide the 2×4 window and door bucks into place. You’ll probably need to build them into place instead of prefabricating them. The other important thing to do is square up the bucks before fastening a lot of screws. I would put one or two screws in first, square it up, and then fasten a small piece of plywood to the surface of the buck to hold it square while you work. Later these temporary braces can be removed. They are added only to help you keep the window and door openings square while working.